Shawls for Sharing is the NEW Project Kristin Cares initiative. The funds raised by the sale of the Project Kristin Cares Shawls for Sharing Patterns will be donated to the help survivors of domestic violence. You can help raise awareness, and end domestic violence, by purchasing these special patterns, donating directly, and/or participating in our KAL and CAL events, and then donating your Shawls to the location of your choosing. Together WE can make a difference.
Shawls for Sharing details:
Each quarter Kristin will release a dedicated knit or crochet shawl pattern. 100% of the proceeds of the sale of the pattern during that quarter will be donated to the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
What inspired you to start the Shawls for Sharing initiative?
As a survivor of domestic violence myself, it has been important to me for many years to bring awareness to this cause, and also to help others as much as I can. I have raised funds through the sales of my products for years, and also donated many wonderful items along the way.
In an effort to make my initiative more community based and encourage others to be more philanthropic too, I added Shawls for Sharing to my Project Kristin Cares charity. Through Shawls for Sharing I raise funds to donate through the sales of each featured pattern quarterly. Those funds are then donated directly to the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
Who can participate in Shawls for Sharing?
Anyone can participate in Shawls for Sharing! Even if you only want to make hats, or only want to share directly with people in need, or want to donate to different charities, it all counts as momentum for making our communities a better place.
What are the ways to participate in the Shawls for Sharing initiative?
First of all, you can purchase the featured pattern for the quarter, so that funds will be donated to help End Domestic Violence. If you prefer, a free copy of each pattern is always available, so no one is excluded.
Second of all, every Tuesday is #givingtuesday on my YouTube channel and dedicated to Shawls for Sharing. Each quarter’s live make along (knit along or crochet along) brings more awareness to domestic violence, and also brings people together and inspires others to give back to their communities in any way they want. My goal is to plant seeds of kindness and have them ripple into the communities of everyone who joins me each week. You can work on the pattern of the quarter and ask questions of you have them, or work on anything else you choose.
Third, if you join the KO Community on my website, you can post messages and pictures on the Forum about your projects and encourage and inspire others in the Community with your good works.
How many shawl patterns do you plan to create?
Each quarter (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) I alternate designing a knit or crochet shawl for each make along, release the pattern and videos, and share variations, styling tips and may more ways to be creative weekly during the live make along videos.
What else should people know about Shawls for Sharing?
Human beings are more alike than they are different. I want to make a safe environment for people to collectively share how they pay it forward, how they make a difference in their communities and how they give back. We inspire each other with every share of an act of kindness. And the momentum we build by consistently talking about the goodness we can do in our communities only makes it grow bigger and better!
If people want to learn more, where can they find more information about Domestic Violence Resources?
Please visit KristinOmdahl.com/PKC to learn more about domestic violence, how to get help, and even how to find resources in your area. One in three women and one in four men will suffer at the hands of domestic violence at last once in their lives. We all are or know someone who is victim or survivor of domestic violence. Please remember: it is not your fault. And YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Thank you for this. I have been looking for ways to access these sorts of patterns … As I live too far from Wool / Pattern etc stores. These are not accessible. Thank you .
Great projects for donating. I’ve known many who could have used these.