
Ready, Set, Stitch: Double Seed Stitch

To begin, cast on an even number of stitches in multiples of 4.

Double Seed Stitch Pattern (DSS)

Rows 1-2: *K1, p1; rep from * to end.

Rows 3-4: *P1, k1; rep from * to end.

Rep Rows 1-4 for pattern.

To begin the row, knit 1 stitch.  Purl the next stitch.

Repeat these two stitches across the row.  At the

To begin, cast on an even number of stitches in multiples of 4.

Double Seed Stitch Pattern (DSS)

Rows 1-2: *K1, p1; rep from * to end.

Rows 3-4: *P1, k1; rep from * to end.

Rep Rows 1-4 for pattern.


To begin the row, knit 1 stitch.  Purl the next stitch.


Repeat these two stitches across the row.  At the end of the row, turn your work and repeat across, Knit 1 Purl 1.


When you have finished the color stripe, cut your yarn, leaving enough tail to weave in later.


When switching to the new color on the next stripe, work the first stitch with both colors and then drop the old color.  Be sure to give both tails a good tug to keep the stitches even.



Continue across the row following the pattern with the new color.

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  • Reader L.

    Instructions say “cast on multiple of 4″…that sounds like “even” number to me.

  • How this comes out depends on whether you work over an even or odd number of stitches. Since the instructions fail to give this basic info, it doesn’t inspire much confidence in your website.

  • Marjory

    In the video she starts the row with a knit stitch. She then starts the second row with a purl st. According to the written directions the second row should start with a knit stitch.


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