
Nordic Night Pullover

The colors of the Nordic stars alternate positions on this traditionally styled yoked pullover. The sweater begins with blue motifs on white, then changes to white on blue at the underarm. Stay cozy on cold winter nights in this stunning sweater.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Size: Finished Bust Size 36 (40, 44, 49)” to fit bust of 33 (36, 40, 44)”

3 (4, 4, 5)” positive ease recommended.

Shown in size 40”.

Gauge: 22 sts and 22 rows = 4” [10 cm] in St st


Medium weight yarnYarn: Plymouth Yarn Galway Worsted (100% Wool; 210 yards /100 grams): #1 Natural (MC), 4 (5, 5, 6) balls; #129 Blue Bell (CC-1), 2 (2, 2, 3) balls; #706 Ocean Drift Heather (CC-2), 1 ball

Needles: US size 6 (4 mm): 16” circular; US size 6 (4 mm): 24” circular; US size 6 (4 mm): DPNs

Notions: Stitch markers; stitch holders; tapestry needle


W&T (Wrap and Turn): Bring yarn to front of work, sl next st to RH needle, take yarn to back of work, replace slipped st to LH needle, turn. Work wrap with main stitch on following row.

Pattern Notes

Garment is worked in the round throughout. Body is worked first, then sleeves. All are joined for the yoke.

To avoid puckering of fabric, carry color not in use loosely across on the inside of work.



With CC-2 and longer needles, CO 190 (210, 220, 250) sts. Join without twisting, placing marker between first and last st.

Ribbing Rnd: *K1, p1; rep from * around.

Change to MC.

Work even in Ribbing Rnd until piece meas 2” from CO edge.

Knit 1 rnd, inc 10 (10, 20, 20) sts evenly – 200 (220, 240, 270) sts.

Work even in St st until Body meas 12½ (12½, 13½, 13½)” from CO edge.

Set-up Pattern

Centering patt, work 9 rnds of Chart A. Cut both CC.

Divide for Front and Back

Next Rnd: With MC, *k15 (16, 17, 22) sts and place on holder for left underarm, k85 (94, 103, 113) sts and place on holder for front; rep from * once for right underarm and back – 4 holders.

Break yarn and set aside.

Sleeve (make 2)

With CC-2 and DPNs, CO 40 (44, 48, 56) sts. Join without twisting, placing marker between first and last st.

Ribbing Rnd: *K1, p1; rep from * around.

Cut CC-2 and join MC.

Work even until Cuff meas 3” from CO edge, inc 8 sts evenly on last rnd – 48 (52, 56, 64) sts.

Working in St st, inc 1 st each side of marker every 6th rnd 9 (10, 12, 13) times – 66 (72, 80, 90) sts.

Change to circular needles when necessary.

Work even until Sleeve meas 16½ (16½, 17, 17)” from CO edge.

Set-up Pattern

Centering pat, work 9 rnds of Chart B. Cut both CC.

Sizes 36 (-, 44, 49)” only

Next Rnd: With MC, knit around, working k2tog at end of rnd – 65 (-, 79, 89) sts.

Size 40” only

Next Rnd: With MC, knit around – 72 sts.

All Sizes

Place 15 (16, 17, 22) sts on holder for underarm, place rem 50 (56, 62, 67) sts on second holder. Cut yarn.


Joining Rnd: With MC and longer circular needle, k50 (56, 62, 67) sts of first Sleeve, pm, k85 (94, 103, 113) Front sts, pm, k50 (56, 62, 67) sts of second Sleeve, k85 (94, 103, 113) Back sts, place different marker to denote end of rnd – 270 (300, 330, 360) sts.

Centering patt at Front, work 15 rnds of Chart B, then 9 rnds of Chart C.

Cut MC and CC-2.

Dec Rnd 1: *K2, k2tog; rep from * around, ending with k2 (0, 2, 0) – 203 (225, 248, 270) sts.

Knit 12 (14, 14, 14) rnds even.

Dec Rnd 2: *K1, k2tog; rep from * around, ending with k2 (0, 2, 0) – 136 (150, 166, 180) sts.

Knit 14 rnds even.

Dec Rnd 3: *K1, (k2tog) twice; rep from * around ending with k1 (0, 1, 0) – 82 (90, 100, 108) sts.

Change to shorter circular needles.

Shape Back Neck

Mark 17 (18, 19, 20) sts at center Front. Remove all markers between sections except for end of rnd marker. Work in rows from this point.

Row 1: Knit to 1 st before first neck marker, W&T.

Row 2: Purl to 1 st before next marker, W&T.

Row 3: Knit to 2 sts before previous wrapped st, W&T.

Row 4: Purl to 2 sts before previous wrapped st, W&T.

Rows 5-6: Rep Rows 3-4.

Cut CC-1, join MC.

Work in rnds.

All Sizes

Next Rnd: Knit, working each wrap with its main st.


Ribbing Rnd: *K1, p1; rep from * around

Work 5 total ribbing rnds.

Change to CC-2 and work 1 more rnd.

BO loosely in rib.


Sew underarm seams using Kitchener st.

Weave in all ends. Block.

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    • Nicola P.

      Hello! The charts are underneath the last photo of the sweater on the right hand side of the page. Let me know if you have any other questions!


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