This cute lacy dress is perfect for a summer birthday or summer family event! With matching little booties, she’ll steal the show.
Dress Skill Level: Easy
Booties Skill Level: Easy
Size: See Charts
Dress Gauge: 22 sts and 36 rows = 4in (10cm) in Seed st using US 6 (4mm) needles.
Booties Gauge: 22 sts and 28 rows = 4in (10cm) in Ss using US 6 (4mm) needles.
Dress Materials
1 Pair US 3 (3.25mm) Knitting Needles.
1 Pair US 6 (4mm) Knitting Needles.
1 US 3 (3.25mm) 80cm Circular Needle.
1 US 6 (4mm) 80cm Circular Needle.
Stitch Holders.
3 Buttons.
Worsted weight yarn
Booties Materials
1 Pair US 3 (3.25mm) Knitting Needles.
1 Pair US 6 (4mm) Knitting Needles.
Worsted weight yarn
S2kpo – slip next 2 sts from LHN to RHN as if to K2tog, without knitting them, then K next st and slip the 2 slipped sts over this last K st. (2 sts decreased)
Dress Pattern
Using US 3 (3.25mm) circular needle cast on 145 [161: 181: 201] sts.
Row 1 (RS): K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
The last row forms Seed st.
Work a further 3 rows in Seed st.
Change to US 6 (4mm) circular needle.
Row 1 (RS): (K1, P1) 0 [1: 0: 2] times, work across row 1 of chart to last 0 [2: 0: 4] sts, (P1, K1) 0 [1: 0: 2].
Row 2: (K1, P1) 0 [1: 0: 2] times, work across row 2 of chart to last 0 [2: 0: 4] sts, (P1, K1) 0 [1: 0: 2].
The last 2 rows set chart placement and side edge sts.
Cont as set working appropriate rows of chart until all 30 rows have been repeated twice, then rep rows 29 & 30 only until back measures 10 [11: 11: 11.5]in (25 [28: 28: 29]cm), ending with row 30 and RS facing for next row.
Decrease For Bodice
Next row: K0 [1: 0: 0], (K3tog) 48 [53: 60: 67] times, K1 [1: 1: 0]. 49 [55: 61: 67] sts.
Gst 3 rows, ending with RS facing for next row. **
Next row: K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
The last row forms Seed st.
Work a further 15 [17: 19: 25] rows in Seed st, ending with RS facing for next row.
Divide For Back Opening
Next row: Seed st 22 [25: 28: 31] sts, K5, turn.
Working on these 27 [30: 33: 36] sts only proceed as follows;
Next row: K5, Seed st 22 [25: 28: 31].
Buttonhole row: Seed st 22 [25: 28: 31], K1, K2tog, yo, K2.
Keeping continuity of Seed st and Gst border work a further 17 rows making one more buttonhole on 10th row, ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape Shoulders and Back Neck
Next row: Bind off 15 [18: 19: 22] sts, patt to end.
Leave rem 12 [12: 14: 14] sts on a st holder.
With RS facing rejoin yarn to rem 22 [25: 28: 31] sts, cast on and K5 sts, Seed st to end. 27 [30: 33: 36] sts.
Next row: Seed st 22 [25: 28: 31] sts, K5.
Keeping continuity of Seed st and Gst border work a further 18 rows, ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape Shoulder and Back Neck
Next row: K5, Seed st 7 [7: 9: 9] sts, bind off rem 15 [18: 19: 22] sts.
Leave rem 12 [12: 14: 14] sts on a st holder.
Work exactly as given for back until ** is reached.
Next row: K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
The last row forms Seed st.
Work a further 13 [15: 17: 23] rows, ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape Neck
Next row: Seed st 20 [23: 24: 27] sts, turn.
Working on these 20 [23: 24: 27] sts only proceed as follows;
*** Next row: Patt to end.
Work 9 rows dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every foll alt row. 15 [18: 19: 22] sts. ***
Work 11 rows without shaping in Seed st, ending with RS facing for next row. Bind off. With RS facing, slip first 9 [9: 13: 13] sts of rem 29 [32: 37: 40] sts onto a st holder. Rejoin yarn to rem 20 [23: 24: 27] sts, Seed st to end.
Work as given for first side of neck from *** to ***.
Work 11 rows straight without shaping in Seed st, ending with WS facing for next row. Bind off.
Sleeves (Both alike)
Using US 3 (3.25mm) needles cast on 31 [33: 35: 37] sts.
Row 1 (RS): K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
The last row forms Seed st.
Work a further 5 rows in Seed st.
Change to US 6 (4mm) needles.
Cont in Seed st as set, inc 1 st at each end of 3rd and every 6th row until there are 45 [47: 51: 55] sts.
Cont in Seed st without shaping until sleeve measures 6 [6.5: 7.5: 8.5]in (15 [17: 19: 22]cm), ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape Top
Keeping patt correct, bind off 5 [5: 6: 6] sts at beg of next 6 rows. 15 [17: 15: 19] sts.
Bind off rem 15 [17: 15: 19] sts.
Join shoulder seams.
With RS facing using US 3 (3.25mm) needles, K across 12 [12: 14: 14] sts left on a st holder at left side of back neck, pick up and K14 sts evenly down left side of front neck, K9 [9: 13: 13] sts left on a st holder at front of neck, 14 sts evenly up right side of front neck and 12 [12: 14: 14] sts left on a st holder at right side of back neck. 61 [61: 69: 69] sts.
Next row: Knit.
Buttonhole row (RS): K to last 4 sts, K2tog, yo, K2.
Gst 4 rows. Bind off knitwise.
To Make Up
Fold sleeves in half lengthways, then placing folds to shoulder seams sew sleeves in position. Join side and sleeve seams. Sew button border in position behind buttonhole border. Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes.
Pink Booties Pattern
Using US 6 (4mm) needles and Blue, cast on 31 [33] sts.
Row 1 (RS): K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
The last row forms Seed st, work a further 16 [18] rows, ending with WS facing for next row.
Proceed in Ss beg with a K row and Ss 4 [6] rows.
Shape Instep
Next row: K21 [22] turn.
Next row: P11, turn.
Working on these 11 sts only Ss 8 [10] rows, ending with RS facing for next row.
Next row: K1, skpo, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
Next row: Purl.
Rep the last 2 rows once more. 7 sts. Break off yarn.
With RS facing, rejoin yarn to inner edge of first 10 [11] sts, pick up and K8 [10] sts evenly along right side of instep, K across 7 sts of toe, pick up and K8 [10] sts evenly along left side of instep and K across rem 10 [11] sts. 43 [49] sts.
Gst 5 rows.
Shape Foot
Next row (RS): K1, skpo, K14 [17], K2tog, K5, skpo, K14 [17], K2tog, K1.
Next row: Knit.
Next row: K1, skpo, K13 [16], K2tog, K3, skpo, K13 [16], K2tog, K1.
Next row: Knit.
Next row: K1, skpo, K12 [15], K2tog, K1, skpo, K12 [15], K2tog, K1.
Next row: Knit.
Next row: K1, skpo, K11 [14], s2kpo, K11 [14], K2tog, K1.
Next row: Knit.
Bind off for sole edge.
To Make Up
Join sole and back edge seam, reversing seam for turnback.
What a sweet outfit for a sweet baby girl. Thank you so much
where are the charts?
Thanks for getting in touch. Charts are located to the right under the photo under the Downloads.
Where are the charts?
No sizes and no chart are on the patern for pink lacy dress and booties patern for printing
It does not give quantities required to complete garment.
Thank you for your comment. The yarn requirements for this pattern can be found in the file labeled Pink Lacy Dress Size Chart under Downloads.
it does not give quantities of wool requires
how much yarn is needed please