Join Jen Lucas as we dive into basic knitting techniques with the first part of this series. Refresh your skills or pass along to a friend who would love to learn how to knit as these videos are simple and easy to follow. Hit refresh and learn from these quick and easy tutorials how to do three different Cast On methods.
Join Jen Lucas as we dive into basic knitting techniques with the first part of this series. Refresh your skills or pass along to a friend who would love to learn how to knit as these videos are simple and easy to follow. Hit refresh and learn from these quick and easy tutorials how to do three different Cast On methods.
German Twisted Cast On
If you’ve already mastered the long tail cast on, you’ll have no problems getting the hang of this technique — there are just a couple of extra steps to follow! The result of this cast-on variation gives you a bit more stretch than traditional methods, making it perfect for use in hats and top-down socks.
The Knitted Cast On
Perfect for beginners, this cast-on method is especially simple to master if you know the knit stitch. Not only is this one of the easiest cast ons to do, but it’s also great for areas where a sturdy cast on is necessary, e.g. the underarm of a sweater.
The Long Tail Cast On
This is probably the most common cast on you will see in knitting. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to use this cast on for just about any project.