Knit Gift Guide: 12 Hot Picks
1. “I fell in love with the project bags from Dear Ewe as soon as designer Heather Gibbs showed me her wonderful designs. This bag is large enough for your current WIP, even your largest project will fit in these drawstring, 100% cotton bag. Plus, the Dear Ewe character holding her heart-shaped yarn = so cute!” – Nicola Prybell, Editor
2. “I love my Ottlite especially when I work in the evenings. I bought mine on sale at Joann’s Fabrics. I am very happy with this purchase. I wish I had bought it earlier.” – Nazanin Fard, Designer
3. “Okay, I admit that I’m a coffee addict so this mug truly speaks to me and my knitting habits! I love the cute scripty font and can’t wait to cozy up with my knitting and my peppermint latte” – Cher, Graphic Designer
4. “I adore my knit blockers. When possible, I like to use blocking wires for stretching out lace, but in some situations feeding wires through the edges of a piece just isn’t possible. Or I might just be having a lazy day
5. “It can be hard to find jewelry that I like because I can be pretty picky, but I love the weight of this pendant and of course the cute knitting needles!” – Kristina, Knitter
6. “I can’t wait to gift one of these pins to my bestie!” – Caitlin Eaton, Editor
7. “Brittany Walnut Needles are BACK and as fantastic as ever, so much beauty in a single object, from the highly articulated turning to the beautiful walnut wood itself this is a gift sure to please. Partner a set with a couple skeins of yarn in a vase for a real statement gift, attach a gift card for a year’s subscription to ILK and your gift is sure to please.” – Rosann Fleischauer, Designer
8. “My husband bought me a chart keeper for Christmas last year and I love it” – Claire Slade, Designer
9. “This is the perfect greeting card to pair with your knit gift!” – Natalie, Knitter
10. “I’m really fond of Della Q knitting cases! Amazing quality and designs!” – Tanya Eberhardt, Designer
11. “I love the fact that I can grab one thing as I run out the door with my knitting and have all of the notions I need for a project! Stitch markers, a measuring tape, needle gauge, row counter, a crochet hook for picking up dropped stitches, scissors that meet airport security requirements (I’ve flown with them without a problem), it’s brilliant!” – Karen Fletcher, Designer
12. “My favorite notion are these Needle Keepers. I haven’t lost one yet, unlike the rubber stoppers. They hold my knitting on the needles yet are easy on and off. They also protect the joins of your needles.” – Emily Lipa, Designer
From the December 2018 issue