
Laura Barker


Laura is a life-long knitter and former engineer and math teacher. She enjoys combining all the best of her experience in her favorite career, knitting design and education. She was an instructor at a DC LYS, and now teaches at retreats and festivals.

Projects by Laura Barker

Fancy Floral Medallion Pillow

This pillow design takes inspiration from the medallion at the center of a traditional rug. The front is crafted in the round using a disappearing loop cast on and features increasing rounds of stranded knitting. The first seven repeats of the pattern are identical, while the eighth and final repeat includes slight modifications to camouflage the round jog, starting with an additional stitch added in Round 7. The back comprises two overlapping semicircles, worked from garter tabs and secured with buttons. Upon completion, the front and back are placed together and finished with an I-cord 3-needle bind-off, resulting in a beautifully cohesive and elegant pillow.

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