Dear [first_name],
Thank you very much for your recent I Like Knitting Gold Club Membership. The details of your transaction can be found here:
Your I Like Knitting Gold Club Membership includes all these exclusive benefits—full digital access to everything about knitting:
I Like Knitting Magazine—digital magazine subscription for the next year, plus full access to the magazine library with the current issue and nearly nine years of back issues!
I Like Knitting Special Pattern Collections—you have full access to all of our topical collections, more than 60 Collections filled with hundreds and hundreds of knitting patterns for you!
Knitting Videos—you have full, unlimited access to all of our streaming knitting videos including:
Instant online access to the our full library of 700+ knitting patterns & articles
Gold Member Insider—as Editor, I guide you through the new issues and pattern collections with your Gold Member Insider, regularly delivered to your email inbox!
We hope you’re taking full advantage of all your membership benefits—please visit our website to immediately access all the content included with your I Like Knitting Gold Club membership.
You can also find all the premium content that’s included with your I Like Knitting Gold Membership, including any special premium downloads, please visit the “Account” section of our site here: Near the bottom of the page you’ll find “My Membership Information” and “My Downloads” that will instantly link you to all your premium content!
Thank you, again, for your membership in the I Like Knitting Gold Club.

Caitlin Eaton
I Like Knitting
P.S. To review further details about your account, please visit your account page. To modify, cancel, or inquire about your order, please contact us.
P.P.S. For your membership transaction, your credit-card receipt will read “I LIKE KNITTING” or “Mequoda Systems, LLC.”
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